TIME 244’33’’ – IVA.lab

Art Gallery, Knez Mihailova 6
Gallery Podroom, Trg republike 5/-1
11. 6 –4.7.2020
Artists: Cecilia Belén Sandoval, Efim Graboy, Rand Beiruty, Miloš Bojović, Anica Vučetić, Dragana Žarevac, Dejan Klement, Ivan Petrović, Retro Future, Mirjana Boba Stojadinović, Slobodan Stošić, Vladimir Tomić, Miloš Tomić, Ioana Ţurcan, Mia Ćuk
Curator: Slađana Petrović Varagić
For the last two centuries history was the history of speeding. Lives of individuals have become “hysterical series of overcrowded moments” (Thomas Hylland Eriksen). Our fluid life as defined by Zygmunt Bauman is filled with suspense. Conditions and context change faster than it is needed for new ways of acting to consolidate and incorporate into routines and habits of groups and individuals. Technology has made human beings dependent on information overflowing in multitudes while there is a lack of attention of others to hear and see us as well as of our easy and linked time to hear and see others. It is reason enough for tension and conflict! Market liberalism and individualism continually produce new forms of vulnerability. We lose control over our own time while engaged in unending struggle for others’ seconds and minutes. We live in fragmented, shredded, time and parts are taking over the whole and time ceases to exist.
Making an issue out of time is not a new thing in Art. It was done as a part of many individual art projects through personal narratives. Time 244’33’’– IVA.lab group show, brings together projects by local and international artists (programme IVA.lab) dealing with time in different ways – whether dealing with the nature of the time based media or by questioning concept of time itself in relation to the context in which artworks emerge, are re-actualized and shown to the public. It puts a spotlight on projects that question, stop, loop, extend, recycle, control, slow, appropriate and manipulate time. Title of the show, Time 244’33’’, is homage to the compositional ideas of John Cage that have incorporated time into artistic act in the form of passing and temporary musical conditions (John Cage, 4’33’, 1952) and provided an exceptional frame for film, video and other forms of inter-media art based on time. Temporality was introduced into visual arts by experimental music and thus made it more cinematic and closer to film.
Time 244’33’’ takes exactly that much time to be seen as a whole (!). It presents works by visual artists and film-makers that use variety of means and poetics to question mobility of the image today and take interest in liminal fields of both film and video art, their production and representation. By choosing fourteen works of different structure, narratives and poetics this show addresses social, cultural and sociological phenomena such as class, work, migrations, politics, war, crisis, isolation, identity, ephemerality, introspection, growing-up and love.
IVA.lab programme is platform open for various collaborations and experiments in the field of video. It is meeting place for Serbian visual artists with international artists participating in film programmes Interaction and Interdoc, since 2016 in Požega (ifc Filmart). Show presents videos, installation pieces, films, video therapy projects, video essays that were made through several iterations of the IVA.lab residency program, as well as projects that were involved with it in different ways. Besides artists in residency (2016-2019) – Dragana Žarevac, Anica Vučetić, Mia Ćuk, Mirjana Boba Stojadinović, Dejan Klement, Ivan Petrović, Slobodan Stošić and Miloš Tomić, exhibition will show media and film projects of director Vladimir Tomić (Denmark), director and film editor Rand Beiruty (Jordan), joint project by cinematographer Cecilia Sandoval, (Argentina) and director Efim Graboy (Israel), camera operator and visual artist Ioana Turcan and art collective Retro Future (Romania), as well as visual artist Miloš Bojović from Požega (Serbia).
Film has, according to Walter Benjamin, made watching of images into collective act, it has enabled people to see themselves while video has, as self-conscious media, turned camera to the individuals – artists – to look at themselves. Today in the age of total media dispersion intertwines and mixes are common, we can claim with certainty only that film and video are places of synthesis of different artistic forms and that they still share one commonality – duration or time. Well, do we have time for 244’33”?
Curator: Slađana Petrović Varagić
Mirjana Boba Stojadinović, Wanderlust: Train, video-essay, 8 min 10 sec, 2020
Dejan Klement, Everything will be OK, one-channel video projection, 5min 34 sec, 201
Dragana Žarevac, Ephemeral Sweetness 2.0, video installation, 15min 5 sec, 2020
Cecilia Belén Sandoval, Efim Graboy, Cinematic correspondence, video theraphy, video letters – installation, 2020
Ivan Petrović, Salt and Light – Behind the Scenes, VHS, 17min 20 sec, 2020
Mia Ćuk, Blackberries by Night, video installation, 9min 33sec, 2020
Miloš Bojović, Transformation, one-channel video projection with sound, 11 min 38sec, 2019
Miloš Tomić, While I was in the belly, I have touched my pee-pee and realized I was a boy, 11min 57 sec, 2020
Slobodan Stošić, (O)positions, video, two-channel video projection with sound, 9min 40 sec, 2020
Rand Beiruty, Nudar, documentary, 20min, 2018
Anica Vučetić, Stirring up, video sculpture, four channel video and sound installation, 2020
Vladimir Tomić, Time we lost, 15min, 2017
Ioana Turcan, Body of Work, one-channel video projection with sound, 2020
Retro Future, Introspective Collective, one-channel video projection with sound, 2020
The audio podcast of the exhibition “Time 244’33 – IVA.lab” will take you through individual works with the voices of the artist and the curator of the exhibition. The author of the podcast is Mirjana Boba Stojadinović and it will be available from June 15 on the KCB website.mixcloud.com/bobaart/