16. Belgrade International Architecture Week / BINA 2021: BELGRADE SCHOOL OF HOUSING 1960-1980. IDEAS COMPLEXITY

16. Belgrade International Architecture Week / BINA 2021
22.4 – 20.5.2021.
Cultural Centre of Belgrade, Art Gallery
Author: Tanja Damljanović Conley and Co-author: Dragana Mecanov, do.co.mo.mo Serbia;
Assistants: Mia Stefanović, Tamara Nikolić, Nevena Ašković;
Design: Marina Dokmanović; Production: BINA
The Belgrade School of Housing, in its rise from 1960-80. reached a high level of housing neighborhood design as few countries in Europe and the world. Its protagonists gained knowledge through the exchange of experiences with the most progressive thinkers on residential architecture, from Great Britain and France, to the Scandinavian countries. The relevance of their ideas is best shown in the fact that with small square footage of apartments, they have reached disproportionately high housing standards. In addition to thinking about particular housing units, treating the neighborhood as a community with which residents will identify is aided by a consideration of the public content according to which the settlement will gravitate. Examples shown at the exhibition presents good practice that could serve as a stimulus to reconsider the galloping housing upbuilding that Belgrade is currently facing.
The exhibition is accompanied by a number of programs: magzine promotion, lectures, guided tours, thematic walks workshops.
All information on link.