Конференција „Audience Development within Classical Music“

21.05.2021-22.05.2021, 10:00

Међународна конференција о развоју публике класичне музике коју већ трећу годину за редом органузују Оrpheus Culture Project Agency и организација Мултикултиватор, ове године одржаће се у Културном центру Београда као један од пројеката који се бави темом Простори заједништва – примери могућности заједничког деловања. Конференцију су подржали Министарство културе Републике Србије и Амбасада Шведске у Београду.

Конференција се одржава на енглеском језику у Галерији Артгет и на Zoom платформи и намењена је музичарима, студентима музике, културним менаџерима, ПР агентима, активистима, новинарима и радницима у култури. Регистрација на damjana.njegic@kcb.org.rs или помоћу google forms-а.

Audience Development within Classical Music: Bringing the Classical Concert back into the spotlight, 2021

Програм конференције:

ПЕТАК, 21. мај 2021.
Registration in the hall
Login, admission to the panel

Welcome speech
Zorana Djaković Minniti, Assistant Director for Programmes, Cultural Centre of Belgrade, Serbia
Milica Lundin, Orfeus Culture Project Agency, Sweden

Panel 1: Cases of successful performances, audience recruitment/ animation during Covid-19
Cyber concert and “cyber classical hall”; Live streaming versus event recordings from empty halls; How did the lockdown affect the popularity of classical music? Are there particular art forms that were more sought online?
Milica Lundin, cultural manager, Orfeus, Sweden
Jan Ford, Mrs, Senior Creative Producer at Orchestras Live, UK
Franziska Ritter, scenographer, and Christian Siegmund, cultural mediator, managers of the 1:1CONCERTS©, Germany
Ljubica Solunac, Cultural Centre of Belgrade, Serbia

Registration in the hall
Login, admission to the panel

15:30- 16:00
Panel 2: New and old audiences: the lockdown results
Statistics on participation regarding live streaming and free-of-charge broadcasts during the lockdown; Did we gain a younger audience in cyberspace? How did the regular elderly audience perceive the necessity of digital tools?
Milica Lundin, Orfeus agency, Sweden
Branka Kostić-Marković, musicologist, publicist, TV host, North Macedonia
Pavel Gomziakov, cellist, Russia
Ivana Vujić Kominac, director of the National Theater in Belgrade, Serbia

СУБОТА, 22. мај 2021.
Workshop: Create an Unorthodox Classical Concert
Recommending methods when making an unorthodox classical concert; Specifics of recital and orchestra audience animation; What is a Guerrilla Concert? Practice before you speak to the audience; What is a 1:1 concert? Can you earn money through playing online?
Preliminary registration required (registrations: damjana.njegic@kcb.org.rs)
Miloš Jovanović, manager of the Muzikon orchestra, Serbia
Boban Bjelić, accordionist, conductor, professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade, Serbia

10:30- 11:00
Registration in the hall,
Login, admission to the panel

11:00- 13:00
Panel 3: Financing classical music pre- and post-Covid-19: challenges and benefits
Funding classical music: which strategies should we use when applying for funding? Who are the typical sponsors from the private sector? What are the benefits of funding classical music? How is it different from giving funds to other art forms? Financing in the time of Covid-19.
Vladimir Đorđević, cultural manager, Multikultivator; Serbia
Daniel Leskovic, Public Fund for Cultural Activities, Slovenia
Žaklina Kušić, manager of Children’s Philharmonic, Serbia
Jasna Dimitrijević, managing director of Ilija M. Kolarac Endowment, Serbia
Boris Vujičić, director of the Dobar Glas Foundation for young talents, Serbia

13:00- 13:30
Conference conclusions and recommendations

СУБОТА И НЕДЕЉА, 15. и 16. мaj 2021.

An all-day concert marathon: Demonstration of the 1:1 CONCERTS© (“One to One”) international concert platform – private surprise performances
4 musicians newly registered in the 1:1CONCERTS© platform family
randomly chosen
